Moore Regional Fresh 48, Pinehurst | Valovitch


Just over 24 hours old and content as can be, sweet baby Weston stole my heart. They all do though. I think I say it in every blog post about a Fresh 48 but they truly are my favorite. Being invited into that intimate and oh so sacred space full of new baby love and exhaustion, getting to be one of the very first people to meet your new little one… just melts this big old heart of mine. If I could only encourage families to do one session, it would be this one. While its not glamorous with flowing dresses and perfectly placed hair, it’s as real as it can get. These are the days and hours you will wish you could just hop back in time and visit, however briefly, to experience them that small one more time. That intoxicating smell, their wrinkled little feet, the softest hair you’ve ever felt….it fades so quickly.

Christine Trimble